Wednesday, May 23, 2012


It is already 12:15 a.m. on Thursday, May 24, and we depart Rome in 12 hours. I will have to describe our last day in Rome tomorrow at some point (let us hope the hotel in Florence has a business center with PCs to use.)
Thanks to Aunt Diane for her comments. Yes. you figured it out!

Below are some photos from the May 23 visit to Vatican City.

PS: I hate Google and its products!

Entrance to the museums

Dome of St. Peter's from entrance patio

Papal Gardens

A hard rain falling on the patio

Hall of tapestries

School of Athens by Raphael in the Segnatura Room

Raphael' Transfiguration


The new wing
Mr. August Maximus!
St. Peter's Square in prep for Wednesday papal audience
St. Peter's basilica

Dr. Rusnock looking for bees on the Baldacchino

Male Cena (bad dinner)


Alexi's European Adventures said...

Those shrimp look disgusting, but I love the photo of you as August Maximus! Sometime in the future I request we watch I, Claudius again!

Anonymous said...

Amazing photos--agree, disgusting is right. Love Dr. Rusnock looking for bees and the August Maximus.

Aunt D.