Monday, July 30, 2012


It's weird to think that tomorrow at this time, we'll be pulling away from the gate at O'Hare and that 24 hours after that, we will be in Russia.

It's been 32 years since I lived abroad for an extended period of time. Sure, I've traveled many places since 1980 when I lived and studied in Germany. (It's been 37 years since I lived in France!)

However, living in one place is different than flying in, spending 3-5 days, and flying out. And that is different than going on a 2-week trip where you move on every few days.

When I was 21 years old, I was open to any thing and every thing. I was flexible and spontaneous. If someone had asked me whether I wanted to join him for a weekend of skiing in Switzerland, no question! I was there. A day in Basel? What time does the train leave?

Now, I'm 53 years old. I debate the best, most efficient route for a string of errands. I plan and program with the expectation that no changes will throw a wrench in the monkey works. No decision comes easy any more.

Have I become sedentary in my thinking, stodgy in my desire to try new things, and tired of different experiences? Will my current soft and comfortable life slow down my ability to put up with what are expected to be many challenges in our daily lives? Have I become a curmudgeon? I know I am heck a lot of crankier than I ever remember.

Another consideration is that both my overseas living experiences provided some "backup" support. I lived with families in both my previous overseas experiments.

In Petersburg and Moscow, we're on our own. On our own for everything from buying and preparing food, to getting around, to figuring out where to get a hair cut, to living with each other in tight quarters without any known social outlets to relieve us of  one another. Our choices are staring at each other or staring at the wall.

It will be an experience in my grand experiment.

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